Subscribing to a Report

For any reports that you find yourself checking in Lawmatics on a regular basis, you can now create a subscription so that the report will be automatically emailed to you at a time and interval of your choosing.

To get started, navigate to the Reporting page found under the Insights tab. Here you will see any reports that you or your other firm users have already created and you can create new reports. For any existing reports, click the bell icon, highlighted below, to view or add a subscription.

You will then select the specifics of your subscription.

Choose which user(s) should receive the report, the start date and time, and the time interval.

For some reports, you may wish to have more than one subscription. For example, one user may wish to receive a report only once a week, while another would like to receive it daily. To do this, simply click the Add Another button, shown above, and select the details for your additional subscription(s).

Once you have your subscription(s) saved, the selected users will receive the most updated version of that report via email at the timing you have selected. The report will be sent as a .csv file attached to an email to those users.

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