Send One-Off Documents

Sending one-off documents has never been easier! Now, instead of saving every document as a template, you can upload and send documents directly from the matter page. Follow these simple steps to send one-off documents seamlessly within Lawmatics, saving you time and hassle.

1. To begin, navigate to the matter page that you wish to send your document to.

2. On the left-hand side of the page, locate and select the icon labeled "Send Document".

3. Upon selecting the "send document" icon, a layer will open up displaying various options. Select the box below "Upload and Send One-Off Document" to upload a PDF or DocX document or drag and drop your document into the box. 

4. Customize the Document
After uploading, you have the option to customize the document further by adding any necessary merge fields with the Lawmatics PDF editor. Additionally, ensure to include any required e-signatures for Lawmatics users or clients directly within the document if needed.

5. When the document has all of its necessary fields added, select the "Save Document" button.

6. After selecting "Save Document", you will be taken back to the first layer to set up your document send.

  • Ensure the display name is set to what you want the person receiving the document to see.
  • Choose the requester.  This is who the document will be sent from.
  • For e-signature documents, you will also have the option to set an expiration date and will need to assign the signer roles to ensure the correct people are receiving the e-signature request. 
  • Create your email subject and email body.
7. Click "Send" at the bottom of the screen.
Please note that if you want to view all of your one-off e-signature documents you have sent out, you can scroll down on the Documents page to the section labeled "Documents Sent for Signature". Once a document has been signed by all necessary parties, its status will change to completed and you can download it from the arrow icon on the right.
By following these steps, you can easily send one-off documents directly from the matter page, eliminating the need to save each document as a template beforehand. Enjoy enhanced efficiency and convenience with Lawmatics' streamlined document features!

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