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Notification Settings
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Each of your firm's Lawmatics users will have the capability to customize their own notification preferences in the platform. It is important to have each user select their notifications appropriately to make sure that they receive important notifications for various items throughout Lawmatics.

Notification settings occur on a user level, meaning that they are specific to each individual, as opposed to a firm wide setting.

To set your notification preferences, go to settings (gear icon the top right), and then select Notification Settings from the left sidebar. You cannot set the notification settings for a different user, each user will need to set their own when they are signed in respectively.

Once on the notification settings page, you will see options similar to what is shown below:

The first thing that is important to note is that there are two types of notifications, In-App and Email.

In-App notifications are more passive, because you will only see them when you are signed into Lawmatics. They will appear as a red number on the notifications icon near the top right corner. Either hover your mouse over the exclamation point icon or click directly on it to view recent notifications.

Email notifications, on the other hand, are a good choice when you would like to be actively notified of something more time-sensitive, since you will receive an email directly to your inbox with the notification.

The notification will contain the details of what you are being notified of as well as a link to that particular matter's profile. Below you will see an example of an email notification for a task being created.

You may find that it makes sense to use the in-app option for some notifications, the email option for others, and perhaps both options for certain notifications.

When selecting your notifications, your selections may depend on the specific area of the firm for which you are responsible. Feel free to pick and choose any that apply to you, and leave unselected any that do not apply.

For several of our notifications, you will see options for "Only Mine", as shown below for tasks:

For tasks and appointment requests, the "only mine" option means that you will only be notified if the task/appointment is directly for you as a user.

If you select the regular notification(s) for tasks and appointments that do not specify "only mine" then you would be notified of those items for the whole firm, versus just things pertaining to you.

For the other notification options that have an "only mine" option, shown below, this option means that you will only be notified for matters that you are the owner of:

Remember that the Matter Owner is a field that can be selected on the Details page of every matter or populated via automation:

Once you have made your selections on the notification settings page, note that you can return to that page at any time to adjust your notification selections if needed. Any adjustments will not remove past notifications, but will update your preferences moving forward.


Can I send a notification to someone who is not a user in my firm's Lawmatics account?

No, notifications are a user privilege. To add a user seat to your account, email us at [email protected].

Will the form notification include a copy of the form that was filled out?

Yes, when you opt for the email notification for the "form filled" notification you will receive an email notifying you which form was filled out, who filled it out, and it will contain a PDF attachment of the form submission.

Can I create custom notifications other than the ones listed on the notification settings page?

If you would like to be notified of something that is not listed on our settings page, you may be able to create a custom email and send it to yourself via automation. For example, if you wanted to be notified when a particular email is opened or clicked by a lead, you could create an automation with that as the trigger, and then send an email to yourself alerting you.

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