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My Settings & Email Signature
Updated this week

When you first create your Lawmatics user account, you will need to update your personal user settings. These settings are individual to each user at your firm, so each user will need to update their own while they are signed in respectively.

Your user settings are found by clicking on the settings gear icon near the top right corner, and then you will see a section labelled User Settings on the left sidebar. These settings are unique to each individual, whereas the rest of the settings listed on your settings page are firm-wide.

Let's walk through the My Settings page of your user settings, shown in the image above.

The first thing you will see on this page is your profile picture and your basic personal information, shown above. To upload a profile picture, simply click the Update Pic button, and you will then be able to browse image files on your computer or drag and drop a file to upload.

When you sign in for the first time, your name, email address, and Bcc Email should already be populated in the personal information section.

You also have the option to reset your password if needed, this will send a reset password link to the email address on your user account.

BCC Email

In the personal information section, each user will have a Bcc Email listed by default.

This email address is used to sync emails that you are sending from your regular email inbox into Lawmatics. Note: We also have a mail sync option, which will automatically sync all of your emails onto the appropriate matter in Lawmatics. You do not need to use both the BCC Email and the Mail Sync, if you would like to have emails sync you only need to use one or the other.

To use the BCC option, simply copy the email address provided, and paste it into the BCC line on any emails that you are sending from your regular inbox that you want synced into Lawmatics. Our system will check the recipient's email address against existing matters in Lawmatics, and it will log the email on the appropriate matter. This is useful if you would only like certain email chains synced/logged into Lawmatics.

The Mail Sync feature on the other hand, will log every email sent to a matter from your regular inbox into Lawmatics.

User Time and Billing Settings

If you are using Lawmatics for time & billing management, you will also see your User Time and Billing Settings here. These settings allow you to choose a default time entry rate specific to you as a user, as well as different default rates for different billing activity types.

You will also see the option to select a default billing user. If you are often logging time entries or expenses for yourself, then keep yourself selected as the default billing user. If it is more common for you to log entries on behalf of another staff member, feel free to select a different default user accordingly.

Email Signature

The last thing you will need to set up on the My Settings page is your email signature. Remember that this setting is unique to you as a user, so you can feel free to make a personal email signature with your information that will be included with any emails that are sent from you in Lawmatics.

Any time you are sending an email from Lawmatics, whether via automation or manually, you will select which of your users the email will send from. You will also see an option to select whether or not you would like to "attach signature to email". When you turn the toggle to "on" for that option, he system will automatically use that sender's email signature when sending the email.

You also have the option to include your email signature by default.

A few notes regarding the email signature editor:

  • The editor will double space your text by default. To create a new line that is single spaced, hold the shift key when you press enter

  • We do not suggest using the General Fields drop down, shown above, to input firm information. Simply type in your firm's name and contact info into your signature block, since that information is typically not variable.

  • If using an image in your email signature, like the Lawmatics logo shown above, make sure you resize the image file dimensions to the proper dimensions before inputting into the editor. You cannot edit the size of the image once it has been placed in the editor


How do I change the email address for one of my firm's users?

If you have the login credentials for that user, you can simply go to the My Settings page for that user and edit the email address in the personal information section. Note that once you change the email address, you will need to sign back into the account using the new email address and the same password. If you do not have the password for that account, email us at [email protected] and we can update the email address for you and send a password reset email to the new email address.

Can I set the email signature for all of my firm's users?

No, each user will need to login to their own account and set their own email signature.

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