Lawmatics automatically checks for duplicate contacts by matching email addresses and prevents duplicates from being created when a match is found. However, duplicates may still occur in cases where one or both contacts do not contain an email address.
Similarly, duplicate matters may arise. For instance, a married couple looking for a joint estate plan might each reach out separately, creating two matters that need to be merged.
Lawmatics now allows you to easily merge duplicate contacts, matters, or companies in your CRM.
How to Merge Duplicate Records
Navigate to the duplicate company, contact, or matter.
Click the Merge button.
The Merge button will appear similarly for contacts, matters, and companies.
Selecting and Merging Records
After clicking Merge, select the other record you wish to merge with.
The system will display discrepancies in data between the two records.
Choose which data should be retained for each field.
Fields highlighted in green will be kept in the final merged record.
Once merged, the two separate records will be combined into one record with the selected information.
Merging Matters with Different Primary Contacts
If two matters have different primary contacts, you will be required to select which contact remains the primary contact for the merged matter.
Benefits of Merging
Ensure clean and organized data
Prevent data fragmentation
Streamline client and matter management