When editing a custom form, you will see a Settings section at the bottom of the left side menu. Expand this section to view additional settings options for your form, including the option to set a redirect link.
When you click on settings in the form editor, you will see the options shown below:
Let's walk through each of these settings.
Update by ID
While this is not a commonly used feature, it can be useful if you need to have your matters access their form from a static link, perhaps on your site or another source outside of Lawmatics. When this setting is enabled, the form will require a unique ID to be entered before the form can be accessed and filled out. To use this feature, first turn on the Enable Update by ID toggle and then click the Share Form button as shown below.
Once you click Share Form, you will need to copy the Update by ID Link:
You must also make sure that you have provided the matter with their unique ID. The best way to do this is to merge the matter ID field into an email, and make sure that this email is sent to them before they will be accessing the form.
When your client receives this email, they will see their matter ID merged into the email. They can then enter it into the form, and once they click the Find Matter button, the form will appear with their information pre-filled.
Keep in mind that this feature does have a specific use-case, and may not be relevant for your firm. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have further questions about using this feature.
This technology prevents spam bots from being able to submit the Contact Us form embedded on your website, making sure that you are not bogged down by any false leads coming into Lawmatics.
Turn on the reCaptcha setting to include this technology anywhere the form is embedded. Note that reCaptcha will only be used where the form is embedded, and it will not be in use when the form is shared directly with a matter.
No further steps need to be taken, once this setting is turned on the reCaptcha technology will automatically be added anywhere you have this form embedded.
Display Name Override
This setting is much more straightforward, it simply gives you the option to create a display for the form separate from the form name. This can be useful if you would like to use an internal naming system for your various forms, but want the client to see a more simple or professional name.
In the example below, the Form Name at the top of the page will be for internal purposes only, and the name entered in the Display Name Override is what the client filling out the form will see.
Redirect URL
You may wish to redirect someone to a different webpage upon submitting the form. The Redirect URL option allows you to do just that. This is very commonly used on the contact us form embedded on your website, so that you can direct the lead to a particular page after they fill out your form.
If you have added a redirect URL, then once the person filling out the form clicks the submit button, they will immediately be taken to the link you have entered.
For example, you may have a "Request a Consultation" form on your site. Once someone fills it out, you perhaps want to redirect to a page containing directions to your office or your firm's About Us webpage. You can do this with the Redirect URL setting by simply pasting the link to which you want to redirect them in the field shown below.
You could also use this option for marketing tracking purposes, or to direct someone to a piece of content that they requested via form.
NOTE: The Redirect URL field, highlighted above, has "https://" built-in, do not include that part again when you paste in your link. Notice that the link in the example above begins with "www.".
Can a redirect URL be added after a form is already embedded somewhere?
Yes, you can feel free to add a redirect URL at any time. Just make sure you save the form after adding it, and then the redirect will go into effect anywhere you have the form embedded.