Lawmatics allows you to create dynamic document templates in Microsoft Word that contain E-signatures. Please follow the instructions in this article to add esignatures to Microsoft Word template documents.
In order to include esignatues in a Word document, you need to follow the syntax below. We allow you to include required signature fields and all other types of signer fields that are typical in a signable document, such as text inputs, initials, dates, etc.
All esignature merge fields must be surround by double brackets, ##{{ }} and they must include an assigned role for that field. Failure to include those things will break the merge fields.
Signature Fields
For easy access to the various types of signature fields, visit your DOCX Field Reference page, found by hovering your mouse on the ? icon near the top right of your Lawmatics page. When you scroll all the way to the bottom of that page, you will find a section labelled Signature Fields, where we've given you sample fields that can easily be copied and pasted into your word document.
Signature fields have the following format: ##{{type of field|required?|role}}. The "|" must be used as the separator for each section. Once you have copied and pasted he given field codes into your document, you will need to make some slight changes in order to customize your signature fields for your documents.
Let's break down the 3 parts of a signature field and how they can be customized.
Type of Field: This indicates what type of signature field this field will be. Is it a required signature from the matter signer? Is it a firm signature? Is it a checkbox? Here are all of the options for the type of field section:
sig = Field will be signed by a matter/contact. Someone who is not a user in Lawmatics.
sigfirm = Field will be signed by a user of Lawmatics.
date = This will add a current date field to the document.
check = This will add a checkbox that the signer will be able to check.
text = This will add a text input field that the signer will be able to fill with whatever value they want.
initials = This will create a place for the signer to add their initials.
Required?: This indicates whether the field is required or not. You will likely have a combination of required and non required signature fields in your document, depending on what you all wish to include. Here are the options for the Required? section:
req = The field is required.
noreq = The field is not required.
Role: This section will become the name of the signer role in Lawmatics. You can name this field anything you want. For example, if you put "client" in this section, when sending the document for signature from Lawmatics, you will see the role Client, with a dropdown to select who you want to be the Client signer.
Each different role name that you use throughout the document will be considered a unique signer of the document. For that reason, it is important to make sure you keep the role name consistent when it applies to the same signer. For example, do not use Client as the role for one signature field, and then Clients as the role for a different field.
In this scenario, they would be treated as two separate signers.
When you copy and paste a signature field from the DOCX Field Reference page, you will see something similar to this: ##{{sig|req|<Role Name>}}
When entering your role name, you will need to replace the entire <Role Name> section with the name of your role. Do not keep the <> characters included in the field.
The following example would be used for a firm user signer with the role name Managing Attorney:
##{{sigfirm|req|Managing Attorney}}
Can I edit my signer roles after I have uploaded the template to Lawmatics?
No, any edits will need to be done to the Word document before uploading to Lawmatics. If you realize a mistake or need to make a change after uploading to Lawmatics, you will need to make your changes in Word and then reupload a new template.
Are the signature fields case sensitive?
Yes. Make sure you keep both the field type and the req/noreq sections lowercase. Your role name can be capitalized and can include spaces, such as "Managing Attorney", but just make sure you keep the spelling and case consistent across all fields that are assigned to that role.