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Sending Documents
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Lawmatics provides multiple methods to send documents, both manually and through automation, with options for e-signatures or as standard email attachments. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to send documents within the platform:

1. Sending Documents from a Matter's Profile

One of the most straightforward ways to send a document is directly from a matter's profile:

  • Navigate to the specific matter's profile.

  • Click the Document button located under the matter's name.

  • Select Send Document.

After selecting the document you wish to send, you'll encounter the following options:

  1. E-Signature Option: Choose whether to send the document With Signers (for e-signature) or Without Signers (as an attachment).

  2. Display Name: Enter a display name for the document; this name will be visible to the recipient and does not alter the original template name.

  3. Requester: Select the user who will act as the signature requester. This individual will receive notifications when the document is viewed and signed.

  4. Deadline: Optionally, set a deadline for the signature request. If the signer does not sign before the deadline, the signature link will automatically become void.

  5. Signers: Assign the appropriate contacts to each signer role. The primary matter contact defaults as the first signer; additional roles can be assigned as needed.

  6. Edit Before Sending: If the document is a custom or "start fresh" template, you can make one-off edits specific to this matter without altering the original template.

If you opt to edit the document before sending:

  • Click the Edit button to make necessary changes.

  • After editing, decide whether to use the standard Lawmatics email template or a custom asset email template for sending.

  • Once finalized, click Send to dispatch the document.

  1. 2. Sending Documents from the Documents Page
    You can also send documents directly from the Documents page:

    • Navigate to Docs & Forms > Document Templates.

    • Locate the desired document template.

    • Click the Preview icon to review the document.

    • Use the Search Matters box to select a matter for preview; this will merge the matter's fields into the document.

    • If any information is incorrect, update the relevant fields in the matter's profile.

    • When ready, click the Send button at the bottom of the preview or the Send icon from the main Documents page.

    Upon clicking Send, you'll encounter options similar to those described above. Additionally, you'll need to specify the matter from which to merge fields to ensure accurate data population.

3. Sending Documents via Automation

To automate document sending:

  • Navigate to the Automations tab.

  • Create a new automation or edit an existing one.

  • Add a Request Signature action to send a document for e-signature or a Send Document action to send it as an attachment.

When configuring the Request Signature action:

  1. Document Type: Select the appropriate document type.

  2. Document Selection: Choose the specific document template to send.

  3. Deadline: Optionally, set a relative deadline (e.g., 14 days after sending).

  4. Requester: Assign the signature requester.

  5. Signers: Define the signers, typically starting with the Automation Target (the matter triggering the automation). Additional signers can be related contacts.

  6. Delivery Method: Choose to send the document via email, text message, or both.

  7. Delivery Window: Optionally, set a delivery window for sending the request.

Ensure you save the automation action after configuration.

Managing Signature Requests

To monitor e-signature documents:

  • Navigate to Docs & Forms > E-Signature Sends.

  • Here, you can view all documents sent for signature.

  • Once a document is signed by all parties, its status will update to Completed, and you can download it using the arrow icon on the right.

  • The signed document will also automatically save to the matter's profile.


Can I view the document after I have sent it?

Yes, simply go to the Documents Sent for Signature section on the documents page, and click the download button on the far right for that document to view what was sent.

What email address will my documents send from?

Your documents will send from the email address of whichever user you have selected as the Requester for that signature request.

What happens on my client's end when they receive the document link?

Once they click on their document link, whether sent to them via email or text message, they will be taken into the esignature platform to e-sign their document. They will need to agree to use e-signature, and they will then be walked through each required field and prompted to sign/date/initial/etc. Once they sign the document, they will automatically receive an email with a copy of the signed document.

Can I manually send a document via text message?

No, you can only send a document via text message from an automation. Manual document sends will always send to the recipient's email address.

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