Headers and footers are crucial for maintaining consistency and professionalism in your documents. In Lawmatics, you can easily add headers and footers to your custom documents to include important information and branding. Follow the steps below to learn how.
Accessing Header & Footer Settings
Navigate to the custom document you want to add a header and/or a footer to and click on the edit icon.
On the left-hand side of the editor, you'll find a panel labeled "Header & Footer Settings". Click on the panel to expand the section
Adding a Header
Click into the "Header Template" field within the Header & Footer Settings section.
A dropdown will appear, displaying the headers you've created in your firm settings. Select the desired header template for your document.
Adding a Footer
Similarly, click into the "Footer Template" field within the Header & Footer Settings section.
From the dropdown menu, choose the footer template you wish to use in your document.
Once you have a header and footer chosen for your document template, Lawmatics will automatically add the header to the beginning of every page and the footer to the end of every page, taking into account all page breaks within the document.