LawPay Integration

Invoice Types

In order to send invoices and receive payment via automations through our LawPay integration you will need to have invoice types set up. In order to create invoice types, simply navigate to the Settings page and select Integrations form the left side navigation panel, then click on LawPay. If you have not already connected your LawPay account, make sure to do that first. Once it is connected,  you will see a section on this page entitled 'Invoice Types', as depicted below.

You should create an invoice type for all the different line items that you charge for. For example, 'Retainer Fee', 'Flat Fee' and 'Consultation Fee' are all great examples of items that should be created as individual invoice types.

When an invoice type is created, a corresponding field will be created on matters designed to capture the amount of the invoice for the particular matter. The system automatically creates the invoice type as a field, and the word 'Amount' is added to the end of the invoice type. (Be sure not to add the word 'Amount' yourself to the invoice type name.)

For example, if you have created invoice types for Initial Retainer and Consultation Fee 30 Mins, as shown above, then you will see fields for each of these in the matter's details page. This is shown below.

When creating an invoice type, you have the option to set a default value for the invoice type. This will create a default value that gets filled in as the amount in the invoice type's custom field.

You can click the edit button on a matter's profile (underneath their name in the top left) to populate a value into these fields and/or change the default if you had set one for a certain invoice type.

Once you have invoice types setup, you will be able to send invoices via automations and also use the payment of an invoice type as a trigger for an automation. Whenever using invoices in an automation, you will always be prompted to select the invoice type that applies for that automation.

You can also always send a one-off invoice manually from the matter details page by clicking on the ... button near the top left.

Resending a Pending Invoice

You may also want to see an overview of all invoices that have been sent as well the status of those invoices. To view this, click on the settings gear icon near the top right, then select Integrations from the bottom left, and then select LawPay.

Here you can see all invoices that have been sent, which matter they were sent to, the amount of the invoice, the current status, the invoice type, the date, and you have actions on the far right to resend or cancel the invoice.

When using our LawPay integration, all actual payment processing is done through LawPay. Lawmatics simply acts as the middleman for sending out a LawPay link. All financial transactions happen through your LawPay account


As previously mentioned, Lawmatics also offers an alternative invoicing solution called LMPay. LMPay does not require a LawPay account, and allows more customization and flexibility with collecting payments through Lawmatics. Click here to learn more. 

Can I rearrange the invoice type fields on my matters' details page?
Yes, when you are on the Custom Fields page in settings you can rearrange all custom fields, including invoice amount fields, to your liking. This includes making them starred or hidden as desired.
Why did my automation fail on the "send invoice" action?
It is likely that you did not have an amount populated into that invoice type for this matter, causing the automation to fail. To troubleshoot this, start by taking a look at the send invoice action in the automation and confirm which of your invoice types you have selected there. Then go to your matter, and check that this invoice amount is populated in the starred custom fields section. If it is not, click the edit button at the bottom right to enter the amount and then click save. You can now retry the automation.
How will I be notified when an invoice is paid?
Each user can opt to turn on notifications for Charge Success, found in settings > notification settings. Once an invoice is paid, you will view the invoice as well as the funds directly in your LawPay account.

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