Creating Contact or Matter Tags

Lawmatics makes it easy to organize your contacts and matters using tags. Tags are a great way to create target audiences for marketing emails, generate reports, and even trigger automations. 

You can create tags by going the Tags tab in your settings page and clicking the Add New Tag button in the upper right hand corner. It is important to note that tags can be used on both contacts or matters.

You can also give your tags a color label to help visually differentiate between them.

Adding a tag to a contact or matter can be done in three different ways.

1) Matter or Contact Details page. 

Simply navigate to a matter or contact, click on Edit in the bottom of the screen, and then you will see a field for Tags. For matters, you will find it under the Matter Information heading; and for contacts it is found in the Personal Information section. Below you will see an example of this field on a matter.

From here, you can apply tags to this particular matter/contact and you can also remove this tag from this matter (if needed,) by clicking the small X shown to the right of the word Test above.

2) Applying Tags from Automations

You can also apply tags to matters or contacts via automations. This is accomplished using the Change Attributes action in an automation sequence. In order to apply tags to matters via automations, select the Tags(Matters) field from the change attributes drop down. Then, select the tags that you would like to have applied when this automation action fires. 

You can also add a tag to a contact this way, just select Tags (contact) instead of Tags (Matter) from the Field dropdown, shown in the image below.

You can also create a new tag on this screen, simply type in the new tag and then once more click where it says "Create Option...".

Deleting Tags

You can manage the tags in your CRM by going to the settings page (gear icon near the top right), and then select Tag Settings from the left sidebar. Here you will see all of the tags that have been created so far, along with their usage count. Click the edit pencil icon to edit the name of the tag, or the trash icon to delete the tag.

When you delete a tag, it will automatically be removed from any contacts or matters that had this tag applied.


What is the difference between tags and custom fields?

Tags and custom fields both have a similar premise, in that they are used to apply data to a matter or contact, and then use that data for reports or automations in the system. The "Tag" is essentially a standard field that makes it easy to consolidate all your various labels into one field. A similar outcome can be accomplished by using custom fields to label your contacts. There is no right or wrong way to use tags and custom fields. The benefit of using a tag rather than a custom field, is that since this is a standard field built-in to the CRM, you will see it included in some of the standard tables within Lawmatics.

What tags should I create?

There are no specific tags you should create. You will want to create tags that are concise and insightful for segmenting your various contacts and/or matters. Once again, there is no right or wrong here, it purely depends on what you would like to track in your CRM.

Do I need to use tags?

No, you do not need to use tags. They are a tool for managing your relationships but they are not required. From a best practices standpoint, we do suggest them using them in order to get the most out of the Lawmatics custom reporting and audience building.