Using Contact or Matter Tags

Once you have created tags, they can be used to trigger automations as well as to generate filtered audience lists or reports. For more information on creating tags, check out this article before moving forward.

Reports and Audiences

Once you have tags applied, you can use them to create a report or audience list. Both of these items will have the exact same filtering options, we've used reports for our example below, but it will look the same in an audience.

To filter using a tag, select Tags as the filter (if it is a matter report/audience, use the field Tags (Matter), and if it is a contact report/audience use Tags (Contact)). You will then select from the options shown in the drop down below to determine how you would like to filter based on the selected tags.

In the example above, if "Contains All" is selected, then only matters that have BOTH of the selected tags will be included. The matter could also have additional tags besides these two, but they need to have both of these to be included in this report.

"Contains At Least One" would include matters with EITHER tag applied.

"Exact Match" will include matters that ONLY have these two tags applied, and no other tags.

"Doesn't Contain All" will display any matters that do not have EITHER of these tags applied.

"Doesn't Contain Any" means that if a matter has even ONE of these tags applied, it will not be included on the report.


You can apply tags to matters or contacts via automations. This is accomplished using the Change Attributes action in an automation sequence. In order to apply tags to matters via automations, select the Tags(Matters) field from the change attributes drop down. Then, select the tags that you would like to have applied when this automation action fires. 

You can also add a tag to a contact this way, just select Tags (contact) instead of Tags (Matter) from the Field dropdown, shown in the image below.

You can also create a new tag on this screen, simply type in the new tag and then once more click on "Create Option...", shown below.

In addition to applying tags via automation, you can also use tags to trigger an automation. To do this, you will use the Match on Fields entry condition, shown below. Then select Tags (Matter) if the automation is for matters, or Tags (Contact) if it is for contacts. Lastly, select the condition and the tags for this trigger.

When using the entry conditions for the automation shown above, a matter will run though this automation if it has EITHER the Friend & Family OR the Referral Partner tag applied. If you only wanted a matter to run who has BOTH of these tags applied, you would select "Contains All" as the condition, as opposed to "Contains At Least One".

Deleting Tags

You can manage the tags in your CRM by going to the settings page (gear icon near the top right), and then select Tag Settings from the left sidebar. Here you will see all of the tags that have been created so far, along with their usage count. Click the edit pencil icon to edit the name of the tag, or the trash icon to delete the tag.

When you delete a tag, it will automatically be removed from any contacts or matters that had this tag applied.


Why would I want to trigger an automation on a tag?

Just like any other automation entry condition, tags are a great way of distinguishing when a particular matter should run through a workflow or not. For example, you may have an automation that automatically sends out an ebook or other asset when requested by a lead. You could simply apply a tag of "Requested E-Book" on that matter, and then if you have an automation that triggers on this tag, the e-book will automatically be sent without you needing to lift a finger.

When should I automatically apply a tag using an automation?

Using the same E-Book example mentioned above, you might have a form or a button on your website that can be clicked to "request our firm's e-book". You will then want to have an automation that triggers when someone requests the e-book, and it is a great idea to automatically apply a "Requested E-Book" tag here. Then let's say down the road, your firm writes another e-book, you could easily send that e-book to anyone who has requested one in the past, because you know that they had a certain tag automatically applied when they first requested one.