Meet the User Activity Timeline, a dynamic tool that allows your firm Admin(s) to gain insight into the activities of other users.
Who Can View User Activity Timelines?
First things first, you'll need to determine which of your users can view the activity timeline for other users. As the firm owner, you may wish to be the only one with this access or you may have other users at a managerial level who should also have access.
Navigate to your settings page (gear icon near the top right corner of your Lawmatics window) and then scroll all the way to the bottom of the left sidebar and select User Management. Note that you will only see this section if you are already an Admin of your firm's Lawmatics account.
Here you will see all of your firm's Lawmatics team members along with some additional details on each of their accounts such as their assigned role.
Click the Manage Roles button at the top right to view and change user permissions. For any roles that you wish to have access to User Activity Timelines, be sure that User Timeline is selected
Likewise, be sure that this option is deselected for any users who should not have access to view other users' activity timeline.
Viewing the User Activity Timeline
Accessing a user's activity timeline is very simple. Navigate to the User Management page as described above, and then click on the user's name whose timeline you wish to view. You will then see a page similar to the one shown below.
Above we see a comprehensive view of all of this user's activities, from matter updates to task completions, and client interactions to internal collaborations. Filter the timeline as desired to customize what types of activities you'd like to view on the timeline. You'll also notice at the top of the page you can easily view some basics on this user's Lawmatics account including whether they have connected their email and calendar and more.
The User Activity Timeline empowers your firm's administrators to stay informed and ensure optimal productivity across the board, bringing enhanced oversight and collaboration to your law firm.