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Assigned Staff Permission Level
Assigned Staff Permission Level
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Assigned Staff field allows you to set permission levels limiting your firm Lawmatics users to only view matters that they are assigned to.

To set this permission level, go to Settings > Manage Users > Manage Roles. Note: if you do not see the Manage Users option in settings, your user status may not have permission to view that page.

Once you click Manage Roles (found in the top right on the Mange Users page), you can create a new role or edit any of your existing roles.

Under the Access to Matters section, check the box labelled hey are Assigned Staff to limit the role access to only be able to view matters that they are assigned to.

To select which users are assigned to a matter, you will need to populate them in the Assigned Staff field.

To find this field, go to the matter profile, select the Details tab, and then you will find it in the Matter Information section. Click the Edit button at the bottom right to populate the field.

This field will show a dropdown list of all of your firm Lawmatics users. Feel free to select as many users as you wish to assign to the matter, you are not limited to just one user in this field.After selecting the assigned staff, make sure you click Save at the bottom of the page.


Can I automatically assign staff to a matter?

Yes, you can use the Change Attributes action in an automation to populate the Assigned Staff field. This can be useful if certain staff members handle certain practice areas or other types of matters.

If the assigned staff member changes throughout the course of a matter, can I adjust who is assigned to a matter?

Yes, the field can be edited at any point either manually or via automation.

Once I have set the assigned staff permission level, what happens if a user tries to view a matter that they are not assigned to?

The user will not even be able to see that any matters exist in Lawmatics other than those that they are assigned to. If they search for a matter or view the pipeline, they will only be able to see matters that they are assigned to.

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