Adding matters is one of the key actions in Lawmatics. Matters can be created in the following ways:
From a Custom Form
From the "Create New" Button
From the Matters Page
From the Dashboard
Before proceeding, we recommend reading our article on Matters vs. Contacts to understand the distinction.
1. Creating a Matter from a Custom Form
Using custom forms to create matters allows you to customize the information collected during intake.
When creating a custom form, select Matter as the Form Type.
Forms can include standard and custom fields to collect all essential intake information.
Automations can be triggered when a form is submitted (e.g., different actions for "Phone Intake Form" vs. "Web Form").
Forms can be used for internal intake (for phone calls) or embedded on a website for lead intake.
2. Creating a Matter from the "Create New" Button
Click Create New in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Select Matter from the dropdown menu.
A Create Matter box will appear where you can:
Assign a practice area, owner, and case title.
Select a pipeline stage.
Enter contact details.
Click Save to create the matter.
Tip: If the contact is a return client, select them from the existing contacts list instead of creating a new one.
3. Creating a Matter from the Matters Page
Navigate to Matters from the left-side navigation bar.
Click Add Matter at the top right.
The Create Matter box will appear (same as the "Create New" method).
4. Creating a Matter from the Dashboard
Click the Lawmatics logo in the upper left corner to access the Dashboard.
Locate the Quick Actions section at the top.
Click New Matter to open the Create Matter box.
How do I create a lead versus a client?
Both leads and clients are considered matters in Lawmatics.
A lead remains in PNC (Potential New Client) status until they hire your firm.
To convert a PNC to a client, open the matter and click Convert (top right) to change the status to Hired.
Should I create a contact or a matter when I get a new lead?
New leads should always be created as a matter.
Matters represent clients or potential clients.
Contacts represent referral partners, colleagues, friends & family, etc.
How does Lawmatics handle duplicates?
Lawmatics automatically checks for duplicate contacts based on email address.
If a new matter is created with an existing email, it is linked to the existing contact.
The system prevents duplicate contacts, but multiple matters can be created for the same contact.