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Matter Statuses
Updated over 3 weeks ago


Matter status is a standard field in Lawmatics that categorizes every matter into one of three built-in options:

1. PNC (Potential New Client)

  • Used for leads and prospects in your CRM.

  • Typically, these matters go through your intake pipeline and intake automations.

2. Hired

  • Assigned once a PNC converts into a client.

  • Tracks cases that are actively being handled by your firm.

3. Lost

  • Used for PNCs who decide not to hire your firm.

  • Helps differentiate inactive leads from active ones.

Changing a matter's status does not affect its data—all notes, files, and history remain intact.

Changing a Matter’s Status

  1. Navigate to the matter's profile page.

  2. Click Edit (bottom right corner).

  3. Select the appropriate status from the dropdown menu.

  4. Click Save.

If a matter is set to Lost, it will also apply the corresponding Lost sub-status (if applicable).

Creating and Using Sub-Statuses

While the three main statuses cannot be customized, you can create custom sub-statuses under each main category.

How to Create a Sub-Status:

  1. Navigate to Settings (gear icon).

  2. Select Matter Settings from the left-side menu.

  3. Under Sub-Statuses, enter a name.

  4. Assign it to one of the three main statuses (PNC, Hired, or Lost).

  5. Click Add Type.

Recommended Use Cases for Sub-Statuses:

  • PNC: Generally does not require sub-statuses (use Pipelines instead for tracking steps).

  • Hired: Differentiate between Open vs. Closed cases.

  • Lost: Track specific reasons why a lead didn’t hire your firm (useful for custom reporting).

Converting a PNC to Hired

  • Instead of manually changing a PNC’s status to Hired, click Convert (left side of the matter page underneath the contact's).

  • This action:

    1. Changes the status to Hired automatically.

    2. Syncs the matter to any case management software (if integrated).

    3. Logs the conversion date and tracks Days to Close (from creation to conversion).

Note: Clicking Sync to case management software does not mark the matter as converted—this action is only for syncing the record.


Can I create custom statuses?

No, you cannot change the three main statuses (PNC, Hired, Lost). However, you can create custom sub-statuses.

How do I differentiate between a lead and a client?

  • Both leads and clients are considered matters.

  • Leads remain in PNC status until they hire your firm.

  • When a PNC converts, clicking Convert will update their status to Hired.

Should I create a contact or a matter for a new lead?

  • Always create a new lead as a matter.

  • Matters are for clients and potential clients.

  • Contacts are used for referral partners, colleagues, and non-clients.

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