Lawmatics provides a secure and organized Client Portal where clients can access all their case-related items in one place. Both forms and documents can be shared with clients through the portal, either manually or via automation.
Important Note: Once a contact has been granted portal access, they will automatically see any e-signature documents sent to them in their portal, regardless of whether they were specifically shared via the portal.
Sharing Forms via Portal Only:
E-signature documents cannot be shared via portal only; they must also be sent to the client's email to comply with e-signature regulations.
Manually Sharing a Form via Portal:
Navigate to the Matter's Profile:
Click on the People tab in the main side navigation.
Select Matters and choose the relevant matter.
Share the Form:
Click the three dots underneath the matters name on the left side of the screen.
Select Share Form.
In the dialog box, uncheck Send via Email and check Share with Portal Contacts.
Select the contacts you want to share the form with.
Click Share Form to make it available in their portal.
Sharing a Form via Portal through Automation:
Set Up an Automation:
Navigate to the Automations tab in the main side navigation.
Create a new automation or edit an existing one.
Add the Send Form Action:
Within the automation, add the Send Form action item.
Select the form you wish to share.
Check the box labeled Assign Form to Matter Contacts - Share via Portal.
Select the contacts who should receive the form in their portal.
Leave both the Email and Text options deselected if you only want to share the form via the portal.
Sharing Documents:
To share documents, follow your usual process of sending out an e-signature request. Once sent, the document will automatically appear in the client's portal.
Do forms or documents that are shared via portal expire if the client has not submitted them in a certain amount of time?
Forms do not expire, the client can fill them out whenever. Forms also will autosave their progress, so if they start a form but do not finish, they can simply click on the form again and resume right where they left off. When sharing document you have the option to select a deadline. If you choose not to select a deadline, then the document will not expire, otherwise it will expire on the deadline date.
Why should I share forms and documents via portal rather than just emailing them to the client?
It may vary from client to client, but some of your clients may prefer logging into their portal to view any of their case material rather than feeling inundated with emails. Others may prefer to receive your emails. It's a good idea to discuss it with a client to see what works best for them, or give them a heads up of what to expect.