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Editing or Rescheduling Appointments
Editing or Rescheduling Appointments
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You may occasionally need to edit or reschedule an appointment after it has been booked. There are several ways to do this.

First, you can do so from the Calendar found on the left navigation. Locate the appointment on the calendar, note the filtering options near the top left corner, and then simply click on the appointment to edit it.

Once you've clicked on the appointment, you will see a pop up box similar to the one shown below.

You can make edits to any of the fields shown above by simply clicking in the field. Also notice that you can further edit the appointment by marking it as a no show or cancellation (highlighted above).

Lawmatics also offers some stats on tracking for your no show appointments. Learn more about no shows here.

We strongly recommend creating built-in email alerts for appointment cancellations and no-shows. Learn how to do that here.

Once you have made your edits, click the Save button at the bottom right.

You can also make any of these same edits from the matter's profile page. When you are viewing the activity timeline for the matter, you will see any upcoming appointments listed at the very top.

Click the edit pencil shown in the bottom right corner of that appointment to open up the same edit window that is shown in the first image above.

If an appointment has been rescheduled or edited, you will see an eyeball icon located next to the edit pencil that is shown in the bottom right of the image above. Click the eyeball to view a summary of any edits made to that appointment.

If you are using our calendar sync function, which syncs your Lawmatics appointments to your external calendar such as Google or Outlook, then your appointment edits will be reflected in your external calendar as well, automatically.

In order to do this, make sure that you have an external synced by going to settings > calendar sync.

Remember, new appointments will only be synced from Lawmatics to your external calendar and not the other way around.


Will the matter know if I have edited the appointment?

Yes, if you edit the appointment in Lawmatics the matter will receive an updated invitation email.

Will the matter see what I have put in for the appointment description?

Yes, this field is visible to both the host and the attendee on the appointment.

What happens to my appointment automations if I edit the date and/or time of an appointment? And what about if the appointment is cancelled?

You may have appointment automations sending out reminders for an appointment. For example, you may have an email that triggers 1 day before the appointment. If you reschedule an appointment, the appointment automations will update with the new time. If the 1 day reminder had already been sent out, and then the PNC asks to reschedule for a week out hypothetically, they would get another 1 day reminder for the new time. If the appointment is cancelled, then they will not get any time-relative reminders that you have scheduled in appointment automations.

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