Within your firm's intake forms, you may have certain questions that are only relevant depending on the answer to a previous question. You can use conditional logic to make sure that the appropriate follow-up questions only appear in your form when necessary.
For example, on an estate planning questionnaire you may ask your client if they have children, if they answer no then they can simply move on to the next question. However, if they answer yes, then you may need to collect further information like the children's names, ages, etc.
Conditional logic creates a better experience for your leads and clients because they will only see questions that are relevant to them in your intake form. They are also less likely to feel overwhelmed by a lengthy form where some of the questions may not even apply to them. Those fields that don't apply would simply be hidden in the form.
The first thing to know about setting conditional logic in a form is that you can only use true/false fields (AKA boolean), picklist, or multi-picklist type fields to set conditional logic. This means that you can not use an open text field to set conditions. Only fields that have defined responses can be used for setting conditional logic.
For example, you may have an open text field that says "How can we help you?". Since they could type anything into this field, you cannot use it to set conditional logic. Alternatively, you could use the Practice Area field, which is a picklist of your firm's practice areas, and ask them to select which type of case they need help with. You could then use conditional logic to have a set of questions appear depending on which practice area they have selected.
To make a field conditional based on the answer to another field, follow these steps:
1. Click on the field that you would like to make conditional. In the example below, we want to make the field "Tell us why you love us so much" conditional on the field "Do you love Lawmatics?". It is important to remember that you set the conditional logic on the field that will be conditional, so this is typically the follow-up question.
2. Turn on the 'Conditional Logic' toggle switch on the right sidebar menu that appears when you click on the field.
3. Select the field which will control whether this field is hidden or not.
4. Select the answer to the control field that will cause the conditional field to SHOW. For example, in the above image we are saying that we only want the 'Tell us why you love us so much!' field to be shown if the 'Do you love Lawmatics?' field is TRUE. If it is false the 'Tell us why you love us so much!' field will not be displayed on the form.
5. Click 'Save Form'.
When someone is filling out this form, they will not see the conditional field when they first view the form:
Once the conditional logic is met, so in this example once they answer yes to Do you love Lawmatics?, then the conditional field will be shown:
Why don't I see the conditional logic option when I click on a field in my form?
If you don't see the conditional logic toggle option this likely means that you do not have any true/false or picklist fields in your form. You can only set conditional logic from these types of fields, so if you do not have any on your form then you cannot use conditional logic. Also make sure that you are clicking on the field that will be conditional, not the field that is setting the condition.
Can I make advanced objects in the form (instructions, booking requests, notes, etc) conditional?
Yes! Simply click on those objects and you will see the conditional logic toggle on the right just like you would on a regular field.
Can I make a whole section conditional or do I need to set the condition on each individual field?
You can use blocks to set conditional logic to a whole section. First, build the section of fields into a block. Then drag that block onto the form and click on it. You will be able to set conditional logic for the whole block using the right sidebar menu.
How does conditional logic work if I have page breaks on the form?
You can use conditional logic to set conditions across multiple pages of the form. Two fields do not need to be on the same page of the form to use them both for conditional logic. Just keep in mind that if you have a whole page of your form that contains only conditional fields, the page will still be visible even if none of the fields are actually shown.