File Request Templates allow you to collect necessary files and documents from your clients with ease. Clients will be able to directly upload their files to you and you’ll receive them automatically on their matter in Lawmatics.
File requests can be emailed to a matter, or they can also be requested via the client portal.
You’ll find File Requests by hovering over the Assets tab.. Start by clicking Create File Request Template. You will see a window similar to the image below. Give your template a name, an email subject and message, and list the requested file(s).
Your template can have as many files as you wish. If you’ve checked the box for “Allow requestee” to upload additional optional files” then your clients will have an additional space to upload any additional files that are not specified on the list.
Once you’ve saved your template, you will see it in the File Request Templates Section. You can send any of these templates by clicking the envelope icon, circled below. Once you have sent out a file request, you’ll see it listed under File Requests, along with which matter (requestee) it was sent to.
When you click the envelope icon to send a file request, you will see the option to share via portal if you would like, in addition to sending the request via email.
You can also build file requests into an automation, rather than manually sending them using the button above. When you add an action item to an automation you will see an option for Request Files.
When your client receives the request from you and clicks on the link in the email, this is what they will see:
They can click on each section to browse their files, or simply drag and drop a file into the appropriate section. Once they have included the required files they can click upload files, they will then receive a message that their files were successfully submitted.
If you want to be notified of file submissions, you can turn on the notification for that by going to settings > notification settings. Each user at your firm also has the option to turn on this notification.
Any files uploaded by your clients will automatically be saved directly to the Files tab on their matter, where you can then download them if necessary.
You can also use the action of files being uploaded to trigger an automation, so if you want to initiate the next step in your process once you’ve received their files, you can have that happen automatically by selecting the trigger for Requested File.
What kind of security does Lawmatics have for my clients' files?
Security is a top priority, and we meet all of the industry standards when it comes to security. Learn more about that here.
When my client uploads files to their portal, how can I access them?
Whether the client uploads their files to the portal or from the file request email, you will find the files in the Files tab of their matter. You can also turn on a notification in settings to be notified via email any time files are submitted.
Can I sync the files to dropbox?
At this time you cannot automatically sync files to dropbox, but you can always download the client's files out of Lawmatics, and reupload them to dropbox or anywhere else.