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Pagination on Custom Forms
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Lawmatics allows you create pages within your custom forms. Sometimes, intake forms can be quite long and cumbersome for a client to fill out, especially when all the questions are just listed vertically on a long, scrolling page. Pagination in forms lets you easily organize your robust custom forms and create a better user experience for your clients and leads.

Start by navigating to the Custom Forms page under the Assets tab. To add pages to your forms, simply follow the steps below.

1. On any custom form edit page, you will see a "Page Divider" option listed under the Advanced Settings section of the left hand panel.

2. Drag the page divider list item from the left panel over into the form and drop it where you would like to create a page break. You can then click on the page divider in the form to give the page a title.

NOTE: When you add your first page break to a form, a page break will be automatically added to the very top of the form so that you can give that first page a name as well, as shown in the image below.

3. This page divider will create a page break wherever you place them. Pages will have titles as tabs across the top. You can easily navigate through the form by clicking on the page titles or using the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom.

If you have placed any required fields on the form, the person filling it out can still advance to the next page, but they will see a notice that they have required fields yet to fill out on a previous page.


How many pages can I add to a form?

There is not a limit, you can feel free to add as many pages as you would like for your form. However, the responsiveness and loading time can begin to diminish as the form gets extremely long (20+ pages).

Is there a size limit for forms?

Again, there is no official size limit for forms. But do expect diminishing quality of experience as forms get extremely long (20+ pages). We recommend splitting into separate forms if you have a form that is longer than 20 pages.

Can the Lawmatics team help build my forms for me?

Yes, your setup fee comes with 10 forms that our team will build for you. You will simply share your forms with your implementation specialist, and the forms will be built for you in 1-2 weeks. If you would like us to build more than 10 forms, we will handle this on a case-by-base basis. Reach out to your implementation specialist for more details.

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