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Audiences Overview
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In this article you will learn how to create an audience, a centerpiece to building email and marketing campaigns.

1. To create an audience, hover over Marketing and click on Audiences.

2. In the top right hand corner, click on “create new audience”

3. You’ll have the chance now to name your audience and select the type of audience. Make sure your email recipient type and the audience type correspond. If you are sending a matter email with matter fields, you will want it to go to an audience of matters. If you are sending an email with only contact fields, you can choose contacts for your audience.

4. Add Filters to your audience list

You can use any fields within Lawmatics to filter your audience, such as practice area, birthdate, or matter status. You can also add multiple filters to create a more narrow audience for a particular email campaign. The possibilities are endless.

In this example, I want to create an audience of contacts that have birthdates and have emails. By using the "has any value" filter option, I am ensuring that this list filters out any contacts who do not have any data populated for their birthdate or their email address.

5. Once you’ve finished filtering your audience list, click save at the bottom and you will now be able to use this audience in your email campaigns.

Once you have saved an audience, it will dynamically update, so any new contacts who meet the filter criteria will automatically be added to the list. Similarly, if any contacts no longer meet the criteria, they will also automatically be removed from the audience list.

6. You are now ready to create an email campaign for sending an email to this audience

Check out this video on how to create an automated birthday campaign. You can also learn more about email campaigns in general by clicking here.


What is the purpose of creating an audience?

Audiences are used for creating a targeted recipient list for marketing purposes. They allow you to not only easily send an email to that targeted list, but also to track the statistics, like opens, clicks, bounces, etc., for that email campaign.

My audience says it contains X number of people, but I only see 10 listed. How can I see the rest of the list?

When viewing an audience you will not see the full list of people that meet the criteria, you will just see a preview of 10 people on the list. The best way to view the full list is to create a report (found under the insights tab) with the same filters as your audience. Reports allow you to not only see the full list in Lawmatics, but you can also export to Excel if desired.

How is an audience different from a report?

An audience is created with the specific goal of sending an email to that targeted list. Reports on the other hand are intended to slice and dice your data in an insightful manor for viewing. You cannot send an email to a report.

Should I create an audience of Contacts or Matters?

If you are creating an audience list for sending out general marketing content like a newsletter or a birthday email, then your audience should be of contacts. If you wish to create a more case-specific filtered audience based on fields like practice area, matter status, conversion date, etc, then your audience should be matter type. You will only have access to filter on matter fields if you have created the audience as matter type.

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