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Time Tracking
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can use Lawmatics to track your time spent on your matters, and invoice for that time accordingly. The first step to tracking your time is getting your Time/Billing Settings taken care of. Once you have done that, then you are ready to begin time tracking.

To start tracking your time, click the time tracker found near the top right of your Lawmatics page.

Once you click the time tracker, you will see the options shown below. Here you will select which of your matters this activity is for, searching by their name, email, or case title. Then select the activity type. Remember, activity types are created in your firm's Time/Billing Settings. Once you have made these selections click the play button, highlighted in red below, to begin tracking your time.

Once you have begun tracking a time session, you can use the buttons shown below to pause or complete your session.

You will see in the image above that you also have options to clear the active timer or start a new timer if you no longer want to continue with the current session. There are also sections to view paused timers as well as recently competed sessions. You can click the See All button to be taken to the Time Tracking page, showing all sessions.

The Time Tracking page can also be accessed by hovering your mouse on the Billing tab at the top of your page, and select Time Tracking.

In the image above you will a sample of the Time Tracking page. Note that you can easily see which activity type was logged, which matter the session was for, the date and time the session was started and completed, the dollar amount, description, user, and the invoice status. Notice how some of the time entries above are uninvoiced, and others have already had an invoice sent.

You also have a button near the top right to create a new manual time entry. When adding a time entry this way, you will simply enter the duration as opposed to using the timer function described above.

Notice that you have the ability to create a single time entry, or create multiple in bulk for a particular Matter. When creating bulk entries, you will see a page similar to the one shown below:

Simply select the Matter, Activity Type, User, and Date to generate multiple time entries at once. Easily make different selections for any of those items on each entry, or keep them all uniform.

Also on the Time Entries page you will see the option to edit or delete any of your time entries.

When you save time entries they will not only be visible on the Time Entries page, but also on that matter's profile. You will see time entries on the matter's Activity Timeline, and also in the Billing tab, shown below.

Note how you can also delete or edit the time entry here from the matter's profile. You also have the option to create a new manual time entry for this matter.

Once you have saved time entries for a matter, you can choose to invoice the matter for that time. Learn more about that here.


I logged a time entry with the wrong activity type by mistake, can I edit that after I've saved the time entry?

Yes, any aspects of a time entry can be edited after it has been saved. You can edit your time entries from the Time Tracking page under the Billing tab, or from the Billing tab on the particular matter.

My firm charges different rates for our different activity types depending on the user performing the activity, can I customize that?

Yes, each user can set their own default rate for activity types on the My Settings page. This rate will override the standard activity rate set on the Time/Billing Settings page.

Can I view all recent time entries for my whole firm?

Yes, this is visible on the Time Tracking page found under the Billing tab. Here you will see all recent entries from all of your firm's Lawmatics users.

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