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Hidden Form Fields
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This powerful feature allows you to populate a default value to a matter's practice area, pipeline stage, or any other field in your CRM whenever they fill out a form, all without needing to set up an automation or even have the matter see the field in question. We've made all of this possible with hidden form fields.

Before moving forward with hidden fields, make sure you understand the basics of creating custom forms and how to add fields to your forms.

There are several reasons why you might want to make a field hidden.

  • You may wish to have a default value populated into a certain field, and you don't want the lead/client to have the opportunity to enter something other than the field default

  • You may be triggering something internally with a hidden field, such as assigning a certain practice area or moving the lead to a certain stage on your pipeline

  • You may want certain client data to appear in the form submission PDF for your reference, but you don't need the client to re-enter or view that information on multiple forms

One of the most common use cases of hidden form field is to set the pipeline stage, or Stage, for a matter. Without using hidden form fields, it is common to trigger an automation when a form is filled out, and then use the change attributes action to populate data such as the Stage.

Hidden form fields eliminate the need for this type of automation, because the Stage field would simply be added to your form as a hidden field with a default value of the stage you wish to move the matter to upon form submission.

To use hidden form fields, start by adding the field to your form. Then click on the field and select the “Is Hidden” option from the right sidebar menu. You will then enter the default value. In the pipeline stage example, you would be selecting the stage that you want the matter to move to upon submission of the form.

The lead or client filling out the form will not see the field on their form, but when the form is submitted it will auto-submit the hidden value along with the rest of their information. This will then trigger any automations you have set up accordingly, and log the data changes on their matter.

Note that this feature also works in conjunction with conditional logic, as shown in the image above. Fields can also be made hidden within blocks and relationship blocks.

In summary, hidden form fields help you efficiently track your intake pipeline as simply as possible while eliminating the need for certain Automations previously set to update default values, the sales pipeline stage of a matter, their tag, practice area, etc.


Will the hidden form field appear on the form when my client is filling it out?

No, the person filling out the form will be none the wiser that there is a hidden field on the form.

Can I make advanced options like Notes and General (form only) Fields hidden?

Yes, both of these options can be made hidden. Other advanced options like instructions, file upload, signature, booking request, and contact cannot be hidden, since these could not have a "default".

Can I make fields hidden on booking forms as well as regular custom forms?

Yes, this feature can be used on both types of forms, both found under the Assets tab at the top of your window.

Does it matter where in the form I place a hidden field?

No, you can place the field anywhere in the form and it will have the same effect.

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