Adding Additional Pipelines


You can use Lawmatics to create a pipeline for any of your firm’s processes, including intake, case management, or workflows specific to a certain practice area. Pipelines provide an at-a-glance view of your processes, helping you track where each matter currently stands.

Creating a Pipeline

To create a pipeline:

  1. Navigate to Settings from the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Select Pipeline Settings from the left-side navigation bar.
  3. Click the Add New Pipeline button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Enter a name for your pipeline and an optional description.

By default, your account includes an Intake Pipeline. You can create additional pipelines as needed.

Selecting Matter Statuses

You will need to select which matter status(es) should be displayed in the pipeline. This determines which matters will automatically appear in that pipeline. Common selections include:

  • PNC (Potential New Client): Recommended for intake pipelines.
  • Hired: Recommended for case management pipelines.
  • Multiple Statuses: A catch-all pipeline can display various statuses.

Intake Pipeline Option

Enabling the Intake Pipeline option will:

  • Show the total value of matters in each pipeline stage.
  • Provide an expected value prediction.

Adding Stages to Your Pipeline

Once the pipeline is created, you need to add its stages. When creating pipeline stages, keep in mind that:

  • Automations can be triggered when a matter enters a stage.
  • Matters can be moved between stages automatically via automation.
  • You can also move matters between pipelines using automation.

Viewing and Navigating Pipelines

To view your pipeline, navigate to Pipelines from the left-side navigation bar.

  • The pipeline name appears in the top-left corner.
  • To switch between multiple pipelines, click the small arrow next to the pipeline name.

Additional Pipeline Display Options

  • No Stage Column: Displays matters that have not been assigned a stage yet.
  • Show All Matters Toggle: Overrides the selected matter statuses and displays all matters in their respective stages.

Manually Moving Matters Between Pipelines

You can manually move a matter from one pipeline to another from the matter’s profile page:

  1. Locate the Current Stage box under the matter’s name.
  2. Click the dropdown and select a new stage from any pipeline.

Automating Matter Movement Between Pipelines

To automate matter movement between pipelines:

  1. Use the Change Attributes action in an automation.
  2. Select the Stage field and choose a stage from any pipeline.

Suggested Pipeline Ideas

Here are some examples of additional pipelines you might create:

  • Long-term lead nurture separate from intake.
  • Webinars/events hosted by your firm.
  • Case management (possibly by practice area).
  • Client feedback/survey process.
  • Anniversary dates for follow-ups.
  • Long-term client nurture to encourage repeat business.


Do I need additional pipelines?

No, but they are recommended. Additional pipelines help track matters beyond intake, including case management and long-term client engagement.

I can't find a matter in my pipelines. What should I do?

  1. Go to the matter's profile page and check its current stage and status.
  2. Navigate to Pipeline Settings and verify that the selected statuses match the matter’s status.
  3. Use the Show All Matters toggle to display all matters, regardless of status.

Which pipeline will a brand-new matter go to?

  • If no stage is selected upon creation, the matter will be placed in the No Stage category.
  • Automations can be used to immediately assign new matters to the appropriate pipeline stage based on lead source or other criteria.

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