Requesting Files
Once you have created a file request template, there are a few different ways you can share that request with your matters. It can be manually sent via email, it can be shared via portal, or it can be sent via automation.
To manually send a file request, start by going to the File Requests page, found under the Assets tab at the top of your page. Here you will see a list of all of your firm's file request templates. Click the envelope icon, highlighted below, to send a template.
Once you have selected a template to send, and clicked the envelope icon, you will see a window like the one below.
- Select which of your matters you would like to send the request to. Search by their name, case title, or email address.
- File requests can only be sent to a matter as the main recipient, but you can choose to CC any related contacts like their spouse, etc.
- Choose if you would like them to be able to upload additional files beyond the one(s) listed in the file request template you are sharing.
- Select if you would like to send the standard Lawmatics email template for file requests. The template looks similar to the one shown below, with your firm's logo in the place of the Lawmatics logo, and the requesting user's profile image will be shown.
If you do not wish the standard Lawmatics template, shown above, you can create your own custom asset email. If you have created one for this file request template, you will be able to select it here.
If you have opted to use the standard email (#4), you can make edits to the text of the email template here, if you would like.
Once you have selected a matter as the recipient, you will also see the option to share via portal:
In order to share the request via portal, you will need to make sure that the contact(s) you wish to share with has been granted portal access.
When a file request is shared via portal, the client will simply be able to view and upload files to the request right in their portal, as shown below.
In the steps above we have seen how to manually send a file request from the File Requests page under the Assets tab, let's take a look at how to send a request via automation. First, create your automation, and then click the plus sign to add an action item. You will select the option for Request Files.
When sending the request via automation, you will still have many of the same options that you had when sending it manually. You will select which template, who the recipient is (this is typically automation target AKA the primary contact on the matter), if you would like to CC any related contacts, if they can upload additional files, if you would like to share the request via portal and which contacts on the matter should receive the request in their portal.
You also have the options, shown above, to send the request as en email or as a text message, or both. When you select those toggles, you will be able to enter the email or text message you wish to send. When sending as a text, make sure you also include the link
Lastly, you also have the option to set a delivery window for sending this automatic request.
What types of files can be uploaded?
By default, we will accept any file type. You do have the option to limit the request to certain file types when creating your file request templates if you would like.
Instead of sending a request for just files, can I have my clients upload a file while filling out an intake form?
Yes, you also have the option to use a file request field in a custom form. This will allow your client to submit information into the form and also upload a file. You will find this option when editing a custom form, in the Advanced section on the left sidebar.