Tasks are essential for assigning internal notifications and reminders to your staff for various duties related to your matters.Here we will focus on internal tasks assigned to your Lawmatics users.
This guide focuses on internal tasks assigned to your Lawmatics users. There are several ways to create these tasks:
From the Calendar
From a Matter's Profile
From the Tasks Dashboard
Via Automation
From the Calendar:
Navigate to the Calendar:
Click on the Calendar tab in the main side navigation.
Add a New Task:
Click the New Task button located near the top right corner.
Configure Task Details:
Name: Enter the title of the task.
Assigned To: Select the user(s) to whom this task is assigned. Multiple users can be selected if needed.
Assigned By: If assigning this task to someone other than yourself, specify yourself as the assigner.
Tags: Select any relevant tags for this task; learn about task tags here.
Due Date: Set the completion deadline for the task.
Priority: Choose either Low, Medium, or High.
Associated With: Select the matter to which this task pertains.
Assign Task to Contacts: This allows you to assign the task to any of the contacts on the matter via the client portal; learn about that here.
Description: Add any additional details to the task.
Done Toggle: This will be used to mark the task as "done" once it has been completed.
You have the ability to add subtasks, which can be completed individually before marking the main task as completed.
Recurring Tasks:
Tasks can be set to recur based on a custom schedule of your choosing. Use this option for any tasks that need to be repeated on a set schedule, eliminating the need to manually recreate the task each time.
Set Recurrence:
When creating or editing a task, click the Recurrence button.
Choose if the task should repeat daily, weekly, or monthly, and specify the day.
When the first iteration of the task is completed, the next recurring task is created automatically with the same Name, Description, Subtasks, Status, Priority, and Assignee, and it will be due based on the recurrence schedule.
From a Matter's Profile:
Navigate to the Matter's Profile:
Click on the People tab in the main side navigation.
Select Matters.
Choose the specific matter for which you want to create a task.
Add a Task:
Click the Tasks tab within the matter's profile.
Click the Add Task button to create a new task.
Manage Tasks:
View pending tasks in the Upcoming section at the top of the activity timeline.
Scroll down to see past tasks.
Use the edit and delete icons to modify or remove tasks as needed.
From the Tasks Dashboard:
βAccess the Tasks Dashboard:
βClick on the Tasks tab in the main side navigation.
Create and Manage Tasks:
βClick the Add Task button to create a new task.
View all firm tasks for all users and matters in one place.
Use filtering options to sort tasks by matter, status, owner, date, priority level, and tags.
View Options:
βSwitch between List and Kanban views using the layout icon near the top right.
In Kanban view, drag and drop tasks between statuses for easy management.
Via Automation:
Set Up an Automation:
Navigate to the Automations tab in the main side navigation.
Create a new automation or edit an existing one.
Add a Task Action:
Within the automation, add an Add Task action.
Configure the task details as described above.
Dynamic Assignment:
When assigning a task via automation, you have the option to select a user lookup field as the Task Owner, as opposed to a static individual. For example, selecting Assigned Staff as the task owner means that when a matter runs through this automation, whichever user was selected in the Assigned Staff field will become the owner of the task.
Task Notifications:
We suggest all users turn on their email notifications for tasks. Navigate to Settings > Notification Settings to configure your preferences. Options include notifications when a task is created, the day it is due, and when it is completed. You can also choose to receive these notifications for all of the firm's tasks or only for tasks assigned to you.
What does the option for "Assign Task to Matter Contacts - Share via Portal" mean?
This article focuses on how to assign tasks to your staff, but tasks can also be assigned to your contacts/matters directly via the Portal. Learn about that here.
What happens if a task is overdue?
We suggest turning on the notification for "Task Is Due" so that you will be alerted on the day a task is due. If you do not complete a task before the due date, that task will be labelled as Past Due. It can still be completed once you have finished the task.
How does it work if two users are both assigned to one task?
If more than one user is selected as the task owner, they will each receive notifications for that task according to their respective notification settings. When any user marks the task as completed, all users will be able to see that on the tasks dashboard, calendar, or on the matter profile for that individual. If it is common for your firm to have multiple users assigned to a given task, we definitely suggest they all turn on the Task Marked As Done notification, so they will be alerted that someone else has already gotten to the task.