In Lawmatics, you can manage both individual contacts and companies, allowing your firm to handle business entities efficiently.
Accessing Companies:
Navigate to the People Tab:
Click on the People tab in the main side navigation.
Select Companies:
In the People section, choose Companies to view all company records.
Creating a New Company:
Add New Company:
Click the Add New button at the top right of the Companies page.
Enter Company Details:
Provide the Company Name (required) and any additional information such as phone number, email, and address.
Save Company:
Click Save to add the company to your CRM.
Company Profile Overview:
Within a company's profile, you'll find:
Company Information: Details like name, phone, and email.
Company Custom Fields: These can be created by navigating to Settings (gear icon) > Custom Fields > Company Fields.
Company Contacts: A list of associated contacts. You can designate a main point of contact by clicking the star icon next to a contact's name.
Associated Matters: Under the Matters tab, view all matters linked to the company.
Associating Contacts with a Company:
Add Existing Contact:
In the Company Contacts section, use the search bar to find and add existing contacts.
Create New Contact:
If the contact doesn't exist, click Add New Contact, enter their details, and save.
Managing Company Matters:
View Matters:
In the company's profile, navigate to the Matters tab to see all associated matters.
Create New Matter:
Click Create Matter to initiate a new matter for the company.
To learn more about company matters, click here.
Will company matters still run through my automations?
Yes, company matters can trigger in your automations just like a regular matter would. If the automation is sending anything, such as an email, form, or document, these items will be sent to whoever is selected as the main point of contact on the company.
What if I have two main points of contact at a company?
Only one contact can be selected as the main point of contact, but you can list as many additional company contacts as you would like in the company contacts section. All of the company contacts will be associated with that company, so when viewing the contact profile for any of them, you will see the company name listed as well.