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Create Objects from Custom Forms (Advanced Options)
Create Objects from Custom Forms (Advanced Options)
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In addition to using data fields in custom forms, you can also add advanced objects like appointments, signatures, and file uploads to your custom forms.

First, when you edit a custom form, you will find all of the available objects by expanding the Advanced section on the left sidebar, as shown below.

Let's walk through the various different objects you can create from a custom form and how to use each one.

1. General (Form Only) Field

This option is the most similar to your regular fields in the form. The General Field option lets you add a field to the form for the sole purpose of saving that data within the constraints of the form itself. This means that data populated into these fields cannot be used outside of the form, the way that custom fields can.

General fields do not actually save data into your CRM, so they should not be used for any data that you would like to report on, use to trigger an automation, sync to your case management software, merge into a document or email, etc.

When you drag a general field onto your form, you will give the field a label, select the field type, choose to make it required or not, and apply conditional logic if necessary.

2. Horizontal Divider

This is more of a design element for the form, dragging a horizontal divider into your form will simply create some visual separation between sections of your form.

Below you will see an example of how a divider looks when filling out a form, you will see the divider just above the Attorney Review section.

3. Instructions

Drag an instructions block into the form to add text such as headings, notes, or instructions for the next section of your form. Instructions can be very useful in internal forms to make your form function more like a script for your intake staff.

Instructions blocks do not require the person filling out the form to input any information, they simply inform them.

After you have dragged an instructions block, click on it to add your text on the right sidebar. Note that you can also apply basic formatting.

Above you will also notice the option on the right to Display with Submission Data. If the instructions are part of your script, you generally will not want to view them with your submission. But if they are important headers or section labels, you may wish to toggle on that option so that you see the instructions when viewing what the matter has filled out.

4. File Upload

This object allows the person filling out the form to upload files while filling out the form. This is a great way to get all necessary information and documents in one seamless step. Once you drag the File Upload object onto the form, click on it to view further options.

When your matter is filling out the form, they will easily be able to drag and drop files or click to browse their files.

5. Signature

Use the signature object to collect a drawn-in signature from the person filing out the form. Note that this option is not compliant with e-signature regulations, therefore it is not a legally binding e-signature.

7. Page Divider

For longer intake forms or questionnaires, you may want to use pagination in your form. Drag over a page divider to add pagination to the form, and then drag additional dividers each time you wish to separate a new page.

You can also click directly on the object in the form to give the page a name, as shown above. When filling out the form, you will see each page listed at the top, along with your Next and Previous buttons at the bottom.

8. Note

The note object will save a note directly to the notes section on the matter's profile. Although the note looks similar to a field in the form, keep in mind that this is different than populating a field. Notes cannot be merged into documents or used in reports like fields can. Rather, you will view them in the notes tab on the matter, as shown below.

9. Booking Request

This is a great tool for booking an appointment directly from a custom form, taking the host(s)'s availability into account and preventing double booking. Once you drag a booking request onto the form, click on it to select your specifications for the appointment.

Note that booking requests will also add a page divider so that they are placed on their own page of the form by default. If you do not wish to have the booking request on a separate page, you can simply remove the page divider directly above it, and the one that is added automatically at the very top of the form.

When your client is filling out this form, they will see a calendar module where they can easily see the host's available time slots, choose their preferred day and time, and confirm their appointment.

10. LMPay Gateway

11. Contact

Note that you will only see this option when editing a matter type form, as opposed to a contact type form. This object allows you to create a separate contact from this form, and attach that contact to the matter in one of your relationships. Below is an example of what you will see in the form when including a contact object.

Note that the fields in a contact object cannot be customized, but you can also create a separate related contact using a relationship block, which also offers further customization.

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