Lawmatics allows you to create custom email templates for sharing assets such as Custom Forms, Documents, File Requests, and Booking Forms. This ensures a professional, personalized experience when sending these assets to clients.
1. Access the Relevant Asset
To create a custom email for an asset, first locate the asset you want to send:
Navigate to the Docs & Forms tab in the side navigation.
Select the specific asset type:
Custom Forms
Booking Forms
File Request Templates
2. Create a Custom Email Template
Once you've found the asset:
Click the three-dot (⋯) icon next to the asset's name.
Select Email Template from the dropdown menu.
3. Design Your Custom Email
When the email editor opens:
Compose your email message.
Insert merge fields from the dropdown menus to personalize content (e.g., client name, case details).
Add the custom link for the asset by selecting the appropriate merge field—this ensures recipients can access it directly.
4. Save the Template
After finalizing your content, click Save Template to associate it with the asset.
This template will now be available whenever you send the asset manually or through an automation.
5. Sending the Asset with a Custom Email
When sharing the asset, Lawmatics gives you two options:
Use Your Custom Email Template
If you’ve created a custom email for the asset, it will automatically be available for selection.
Use the Standard Lawmatics Email Template
If no custom email is set, the default template (which includes your firm's logo and user profile image) will be used.
Note that if you choose the option to "Use Standard Email", this will send the standard Lawmatics template for sharing assets. This email looks similar to the sample shown below, with your logo in place of the Lawmatics logo, and your user profile image in place of the sample below. The text that you have entered in the email message box, shown above, will replace the line of text below "Please take the time to prepare and upload these files for us. Thanks!".
If I don't like the existing Lawmatics template can I edit it?
No, you can't edit the standard template. The custom asset email is option is intended to let you have complete control over the emails you are sending by simply making your own. This is useful if you ever wish to include additional information in the email for sharing a form, document, etc, or if you simply do not like the Lawmatics standard template.
Do I need to create a custom asset email for each individual custom form, or is it just one for all forms?
You certainly do not need to create custom asset emails at all if you are satisfied with the Lawmatics template, but if you do wish to create these custom asset emails then you will create per each individual asset. So each individual form or document would need its own, as opposed to just creating one for forms and one for documents.
After I have created a custom asset email can I edit it if I need to make changes down the road?
Yes, simply click the ... icon for that asset once more and select Email Template. You will see the email template that you have already saved and can make edits as needed.