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Sample Marketing Source Custom Report
Sample Marketing Source Custom Report
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Reporting on your marketing sources is one of the many things you can do with Lawmatics custom reports. Let's walk through a sample marketing source report.

First, hover your mouse on the Insights tab at the top and select Reporting. You will then click the button on the right to Create New Report.

For this report, since we are looking to view matter data, we will create the report as Matter type. Any time you wish to report on matter data like practice area, stage, status, value, etc, you will be creating a Matter type report. You will use contact type to build a report of any contacts in your CRM, as opposed to just those who have matters. A contact report can be useful for viewing unsubscribes, birthdates, contact info like address, referral partners, etc.

Once you have created the report, your next step is to select which columns you would like to include. Click into the Columns field and begin searching for any fields you would like to add. For this marketing report, I have chosen to include Source, Campaign, Estimated Value, Actual Value, and Status.

If you have added a field to your list of columns and then changed your mind about wanting to include it, simply click the small X to the left of the field name to remove it from the report. After you have selected your columns, as shown above, you will then see them reflected in the preview of the report.

After you have selected columns, you may want to apply filters to the report. Since I am specifically reporting on marketing sources here, I am going to add a filter to only show matters where the source "has any value".

You can feel free to add as many filters as you would like. I am keeping this report as a broad marketing overview, so I'm not going to get too granular with my filters. However, you could have a specific report for each marketing source by filtering by that source. Or you could have a report for each practice area, attorney at your firm, matter status, etc. The possibilities are endless.

You may also find it insightful to add column grouping. Add grouping by clicking the ... icon to the right of each column header in the report preview. For this report, I will get the most insight by grouping the report by the Source column and then sub grouping by Campaign.

As you see above, the grouping allows me to see at a glance how many matters I have from each source. In this example, we have 4 referrals, 1 from Google PPC, and 3 from Avvo. I can also expand each source to view the campaigns for that source, since I have sub-grouped by campaign. For Referrals, for example, I see that Saul has referred 2 matters. I can click on Saul's name to view the two matters that he referred, Walter and Skyler White.

You also have the option to add a date filter for your report, this is selected in the top right corner. For this report, I am going to keep the date as All Time, but note that you can filter by any time frame as well as any date field in your CRM, shown below.

Once you have made all of your selections, click the Save and View button at the bottom of the page to view your report.

Once you are viewing your report, you will have the option to Export the report to excel, shown above. You can also click the Edit Report button to make further edits.

Your reports will always update in real time, so once this report is saved, you can come back in and view it any time and you will always see the most up to date data reflected.


Which field do I use to see referrers on my report?

This data lives in the Campaign field. Whenever you are creating a report for marketing purposes, you will generally want to include both the Source and Campaign fields on your report.

Can I create graphs or tables from this report?

You can easily export this report to excel, and then turn the data into a chart or table in excel.

What is the point of the column grouping and do I need to use the grouping option?

You certainly do not need to use column grouping. Sometimes you may want to view your data as more of a plain table/spreadsheet. The grouping is optional and can be a good tool for adding insightful total numbers to each source.

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