In Lawmatics, our custom reporting feature allows you to essentially create a spreadsheet or table of data, using any fields from your CRM. One of the most important steps in using this feature, is knowing which columns to include in your report.
To create a custom report, start by clicking the "Reports" tab, and select "Custom Reports" from the menu. You will then click the button on the right to Create New Report.
When you first create a new report you will see three columns selected by default, First Name, Last Name, and Email.
You can keep these columns in your report, or click the X to the right of each field if you would like to remove it. As you add and remove fields to your columns list, you will see them reflected in the preview of the report, shown above.
To add columns, simply click into the columns menu, to the right of the Email (Primary) field shown above. Once you click into the columns section, you can scroll through all of the fields in your CRM or start typing the name of a field to easily search for it.
Once you have located a field that you would like to include in your report, simply click on it to add it to your list of columns. You will also see this added column reflected in the report preview, shown below. Once you have added columns, you can drag and drop them to change the order if desired.
Some common fields that you may want to include as columns in your reports are as follows:
Practice Area
Status - will tell you whether the matter is a PNC, Hired, or Lost
Owned by
Created At - tells you the date the lead came into Lawmatics
Converted At - tells you the date a client hired
You are not limited to this list, these are just some ideas to get you started. You will be able to select any fields in your CRM including custom fields, for your columns. Note that if you have created a Contact type report then you will not have access to matter fields, but a matter report can use both contact and matter fields.
Once you have added columns, you may find it insightful to apply grouping. This can be a great deal for summarizing the number of matters that apply to a certain practice area, source, owner, etc.
Let's say we want to group a report by practice area. First, we will want to make sure we have selected practice area as a column. Then, we will click the ... icon for the practice area field, shown below, and select the option to group.
Once you have applied your grouping to the practice area field, your report will move that field to the far left, and group each practice area together, showing a total number of each practice area in parentheses.
In addition to grouping by a column, you can also add subgrouping for another column. In the report above we can see a good overview of our practice areas, but let's say we want to add in some marketing source data. We'll start by adding the Source field to our columns list, and then click the ... icon and select the subgroup option.
Once you have applied subgrouping, this field will once again move toward the left of the report. You can expand each layer to see the specific data that falls under each category.
Now that we have our practice area and marketing source data included in this report, we may also want to include some data on the value of these matters. Let's add in both Estimated Value and Actual Value as column in our report. Any time you have currency fields used in your report, you will have the option to sum or average those values. Click the ... icon for any of your currency-type fields to see those options.
For this example, let's choose to SUM our estimated value, so that we can see the total pipeline amount and we will AVERAGE the Actual value column. This will show us the average revenue brought in for each matter.
As you create reports, you may not necessarily use all of these elements (grouping, subgrouping, sum, and average) in one report, but you can mix and match them in your various reports as you see fit.
Remember that you can also filter your reports to include only the data that is pertinent for the specific report you wish to create. Learn about filtering here.
What column do I need to include in my report to see if a lead has converted?
You will use the Status field for this. It will show you whether the matter is PNC, Hired, or Lost. You can also use the sub-status field as a column in your report if you use custom sub-statuses for your firm's lost reasons or any other purpose.
Can I view where a lead is at in my pipeline in a report?
Yes, you will add the Stage field to your columns to view what pipeline stage a matter is in.