On your Lawmatics analytics page you will find a number of highly insightful graphs for various aspects across your practice. Perhaps one of the most insightful sections on this page in terms of marketing tracking is the Stats by Source section found at the bottom of the analytics page.
This section gives you an overview of each marketing source, from your marketing settings page, with the option to view stats per campaign as well.
The reason these statistics are so insightful is because they take the guesswork out of source performance by allowing you to make apples to apples comparisons between your various sources.
You will find each source listed, along with a button on the right to Show Campaigns for that source. This will expand any campaigns that you have created for that source, in case you would like to view the data on a more granular level instead of just for each source.
Once you have clicked the button to show campaigns, you can also click the Hide Campaigns button, shown below, if you wish to go back to the source overview.
Let's review each of the stats included in this section.
New Leads: The total number of new leads/matters created from this source
New Clients: The number of matters from this source that have converted
Conversion Rates: Your percentage of matters that have converted from this source
Value: The sum of the estimated value for all of the leads from this source
Revenue: The sum of the actual value for all of the hired matters from this source
Total Spend: The sum of your spend for this source
Cost / Lead: The cost breakdown of each lead, based on how many leads came in, and how much you spent on the source
Cost / Client: The cost breakdown of each converted matter, based on how many matters converted and your spend on the source
We find the last two calculations to be some of the most insightful. This a great way to see which of your marketing sources are really getting you the best bang for your buck, taking all factors into consideration.
Can I change the date range for viewing these graphs?
Yes, select your date range at the very top of the Analytics page, on the right hand side.
Can I import in historical data from past clients?
Yes, you can include date for source, campaign, value, and matters status on any of your matter imports. All of those fields are used for these calculations, so as long as you are importing that data, you can still take advantage of these great insights for past data.