Clio Integration

The integration between Lawmatics and ClioManage enhances your firm's workflow by connecting the client intake process with case management in one smooth action. With Lawmatics, you can efficiently manage leads and automate client intake, while ClioManage takes care of matter tracking, billing, and time management. This integration eliminates the need for duplicate data entry and ensures that information flows seamlessly from Lawmatics to ClioManage, keeping everything organized and connected.

To connect your Clio account, you will first sign in to Lawmatics then click on to the settings gear icon in the top right corner of your account. From there, near the bottom of the left sidebar select "Integrations". You will then click on "Clio", select "Connect", and then you’ll be prompted to log in to your ClioManage account.

There are two ways to sync a matter and its point of contact from Lawmatics to Clio: through Conversion or Sync to Case Management. Here's a breakdown of each method:
  • Conversion: You'll find the convert button at the top left of any PNC within Lawmatics, and you can also incorporate the conversion action into an automation. When you click the convert button (or trigger it via automation), two things happen: 1. The matter is synced to Clio, and 2. The matter status in Lawmatics changes to "Hired." To ensure automatic syncing during conversion, confirm that the Matter Conversion Sync Enabled setting is activated in your integrations page which should be defaulted to on when you connect Clio to Lawmatics following the steps mentioned above.

  • Sync to ClioManage: After connecting your Clio account via the Integrations page, you'll notice a button labeled Sync to ClioManage at the top of each matter. This button allows you to sync a matter to ClioManage even before the client has officially hired your firm. Unlike the conversion process, this action won’t mark the matter as "Hired" in Lawmatics. Additionally, you can integrate this action into an automation using the Sync to Case Management button, ensuring flexibility in how and when matters are synced.

After connecting your Clio account, you can further personalize the integration by modifying the settings on the ClioManage page within the Integrations tab in your Lawmatics settings.

  • Matter Document Sync Enabled: Turn this on to allow files on your matters in Lawmatics to sync to your documents section on a matter in Clio. Your documents are found on a matter's profile under the "Files" tab, as shown below.

  • Matter Note Sync Enabled: Turn this on to allow notes on your matters in Lawmatics to sync to your notes section on a matter in Clio. Your notes are found on a matter's profile under the "Notes tab, as shown below.
  • Matter Relationship Sync Enabled: This option allows any related contacts on a matter to sync to Clio. These related contacts will be created as their own contact in Clio, and connected to the matter via the appropriate relationship label. Remember, these relationships are found on the left side of a matter's profile as shown below.

These selections can be edited at any time as you see fit.

Your next step is to assign your field mapping. This determines which fields in Lawmatics will map to which of your custom fields in Clio. You will see that some basic standard fields come mapped by default, those will be listed in gray as shown below and they cannot be edited.

You can also map any custom fields by simply selecting the Lawmatics field from the drop down shown at the top left above, and then select which Clio field it corresponds to in the adjacent drop down menu.

Once you select the Clio field and add the mapping, you will see it listed in your field mappings. Feel free to map any and all of your fields. This is a process that only needs to be done once, and then moving forward any time a matter is synced from Lawmatics to Clio, any data populated into your mapped fields will be synced automatically.

Note that you can map fields on both the contact level as well as the matter level. These will be synced to the proper level in Clio accordingly.

After a matter has been synced from Lawmatics to Clio you will still be able to add files, documents, data, etc. to the matter in Lawmatics. Should you wish to have any of this new data sync to Clio, simply click the Sync button found at the top of any matter that has already been synced and the new information will populate to the matter in Clio.

Clicking the Resync button will not result in a duplicate, but will simply update the existing matter that already exists in Clio.


Will data from ClioManage sync back over to Lawmatics?

No, the integration between Lawmatics and ClioManage is a one-way sync. Data will only sync from Lawmatics to ClioManage, not the other way around.