Connecting your Yahoo account to Lawmatics for our Mail Sync Settings is easy and useful for many reasons. Please follow the steps below to connect your Yahoo account.
1. Click your name in the top right and the click the Account Info link.
2. On the top-left under Account security, click Manage App Passwords.
3. From the pull-down menu, select the appropriate app.
4. You will most likely not see Lawmatics in this list. Please select Other.
5. Enter a name for the app, e.g. Lawmatics, and click Generate.
6. Click the Click to copy button to copy the app password, then click the Done button.
7. Your new app password will display on the App Passwords screen. Click the x to close the window.
8. Copy the App Password that is displayed and use that as your password when connecting your account in Lawmatics. Note: Don't forget to copy the password and paste it somewhere safe as you will only be able to see it once, immediately after creating it.