Mail Sync Settings - Logging Emails in Lawmatics & Send From My Outbox

Lawmatics can be integrated with your email provider to automatically show email exchanges from your external mailbox on the matter page in Lawmatics. This is incredibly useful to help keep your email conversations with leads and contacts in one central place, right alongside your other communications with them. Our email integration allows you to do just that, without changing the way you work.

With Lawmatics Mail Sync, you will also have the option to enable Send From My Outbox. This will allow any emails sent through Lawmatics to appear in the outbox of your regular email client. 

Connecting your email to Lawmatics will create a connection between your email address and Lawmatics. We are able to log your emails with their proper contact/matter in Lawmatics by referencing their email address against your contacts and matters in Lawmatics. This means that any email sent to or received from an email that is connected to a matter in Lawmatics will automatically be logged in the timeline for that matter.

Our Mail Sync Settings fall into the User Settings category, so each of your firm's Lawmatics users will need to sync their own email account when signed into their own Lawmatics account. In order to connect your email, simply navigate to Settings > Mail Sync Settings.

From there, you will need to follow instructions for the specific email provider you use. Please select from the list below

GSuite: Setup GSuite integration

*Note: If you are a Gmail user you will a see a screen similar to the one shown below prompting you to whitelist the Lawmatics app in your Google Admin Panel. Click on the link above for instructions on how to accomplish this step.

Yahoo: Setup Yahoo integration

Outlook: Select Microsoft Exchange option. If you get stuck during the setup progress, then come back and select the Other option.

As you are going through the setup process, you will need to grant access for Nylas, our third party email sync provider.

Once connected, you will have options to sync Emails, Attachments, Send From My Outbox, or any combination of those.

When you turn on the Sync Emails option, then every email coming through your inbox whose "to" or "from" email matches an email associated with a contact in Lawmatics, will be logged on that person's activity timeline. 

If you choose to Sync Attachments, then any attachments either sent to or from a contact will automatically save as a File logged on their matter. You can feel free to come back to this page to make adjustments to your selections at any time.

By default, the system will avoid saving certain file types such as signature images, .ics files for appointments, or duplicate files, so that only the important file attachments will be saved into Lawmatics.

If you choose to enable the Send From My Outbox option, you will be able to see any emails sent through Lawmatics in the outbox of your external mailbox. This will help improve your firm’s email organization by keeping all emails in a central place. Not only will you still see emails logged on a matter’s timeline, but you can easily go to your outbox to see all emails sent from your address, including those sent via Lawmatics.

You will also notice the Disconnect button on this page, located in the upper right corner. If you disconnect an email integration, future emails will not be logged, however, all emails that have already been logged in Lawmatics will remain there. Please contact support if you need certain emails cleared out.

Lawmatics offers a matter quick reply feature for all users who have their mail account connected and the "Send from my Outbox" option turned on. To use this feature, simply navigate to a matter's profile and locate an email activity on the matter's timeline. You will see a small envelope icon, highlighted below. 

Click this button to open the quick reply option.The quick reply lets you easily respond to that matter within the existing email thread.


Does a contact need to have a matter in Lawmatics in order for their emails to be synced?

Yes, a contact needs to be related to a matter in Lawmatics in order for their emails to be synced. This connection can be as the main point of contact (POC) or as a relationship associated with the matter. In either case, the contact's emails will sync if they are included as the recipient, CC, or BCC on any email.  If you would like to turn this setting off for certain relationship types you can deactivate the toggles in General Settings > Matters > Relationship Types.

If a contact emails me from a different email address than the one on their Lawmatics contact will it still be logged?

No, only emails to/from the primary email on the contact will be logged in Lawmatics.

How will I know which of my users the contact exchanged emails with when it is logged on their timeline?

When you view the email activity log on the timeline, you will see the email address of the user for whom the conversation occurred with.

Will emails log for a related contact on a matter?

No, only the primary email address for the main contact on a matter will be used for logging emails.

What if a contact has multiple matters? How can I make sure a specific email syncs to that matter?

With our email assigning inbox, you can see all emails synced from a specific contact, and then choose which matter to allocate it to. Learn more about our email assigning inbox here